Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Just a quick post to let all of you know how much we appreciate all of your sweet and encouraging comments. Life has been busy and good. I am starting to get a belly but it is just that extra chubby stage. When I finally pop I will post some pics.

Midterms are going to be over soon and I can't wait!! I will be done with my associates in May and then will just have time to get ready for my sweet baby to come! Some day's I don't even think I am prego till Jeff comes home and starts talking to my belly, or the nausea kicks in! The time is flying by so fast and I can't wait! I haven't felt the baby move yet...still waiting...or maybe I have and just don't know it yet.

During spring break me, Kindy, Briley, and Roz all went to Texas to see Kortney. It was so much fun and Texas is beautiful. It was a girls trip with my in-law family all except for Krista who was moving. We missed ya Krista! I need to download my pics then I will post some soon.


Chandy said...

I'm glad you and the baby are doing well... I think Texas is beautiful also, esp now that I live here! LOL


Anonymous said...

thanks for the update. I've been wondering how pregnancy has been going for you. I'm glad to hear that it's not so bad!

Fawn Becker said...

Yay! I have been waiting for a new post! Horray for baby Massey :)

DeWitts said...

I wondering how you were feeling. I'm so happy for you and jeff. Keep us updated!

Audrey said...

Hello? I feel really stupid, I didn't even know you were pregnant! I must not be keeping up on your blog enough, but apparently you aren't either since your background is for St. Paddy's and Easter is in only a few days!!! Congrats to you!!! I'm thrilled for you honestly. How fun!

Katie and Josh Johnson said...

Glad you got to spend some girl time with your fam! Happy to hear that all is going well with the pregnancy! Are you going to find out what the baby is going to be? Congrats on almost being done with your associates! that is quite the accomplishment.

Kindy said...

K Chell I want pictures and updates on a regular basis. This is not a request. When my new nephew/neice arrives we will expect regular posts so you might as well start now. :) love ya.

PS St Patty's Day is over. :)

DeWitts said...

To get a babystrology just click on mine and then it will ask you some question to fill out, then just copy and paste onto your blog. I hope it works for you.
Love ya,

Mandy said...

Congrats! I have known you for how long and I didn't know you were married to Jeff!!! I'm so bad! Good luck with the pregnancy. I guess no volleyball for awhile.

Britney and Kevin said...

I agree with Kindy! We can't wait to see you guys soon though! love ya!

Bunco Time! said...

hope all went well can't wait to see the little guy!